Steve Scott

3450 days ago

Open Letter: Dear Cenkos – A statement needed NOW regarding your fraudulent client Quindell

I have this morning tried to shake off the most almighty of hangovers caused by the Quenron (QPP) celebrations of last night, by penning an open letter to Cenkos, Nomad ((pro tem) to the fraud Quindell. Cenkos needs to force Quindell to make a statement now regarding margin calls that Rob Terry, Larry Moorse and Steve Scott must be facing.

Their loan agreements with Equities First Holdings LLC which allowed them to dump vast amounts of shares pretending that they were buying have a default clause agreement which means that if the Quenron share price falls below a certain point the three crooks, I mean directors, must either default, hand over more shares to Equities First or hand over cash.  I am sure that they will go for option two (handing over more worthless shares) which Equities First will then dump. But investors need to know this information and need to know now. Hence the letter to Cenkos which natch I have cc’d in to AIM Regulation and the market abuse team at the FCA. It reads.

Dear Sirs.


3451 days ago

Steve Scott’s Quindell Share Sales – the Game is Up for Quindell

The Daily Mail applied the coup de Grace for Quindell (QPP) last night with revelations about share sales by Steve Scott, Rob Terry’s second oldest business associate (after Mr Sadiq of Cosy/Himex infamy) and a Quenron NED. This really is devastating.

Last Wednesday it was announced that Scott as well as Terry and his FD Larry Moorse had bought shares. By Friday it was clear that in fact the “loan arrangement” with Equities First Holdings was in fact a mechanism whereby the three amigos sold shares at 80% of their market price to Equities First and merely had an option to buy back the same number of shares in two years’ time. We do not know how many shares the three men have sold but it is at least enough to fund the purchases, the suspicion is that it will be far more, in other words this is a way of them getting cash out while hoodwinking investors that they were actually buying shares.


3451 days ago

BearCast Special - The History of The Innovation Group (Quindell Mark 1)

In response to a request from a number of readers I outline a history of The Innovation Group 2001-2003 which was run by Quindell (QPP) players Rob Terry and Steve Scott. If this is not a lesson for all Quenron shareholders on what will happen next, nothing is. 


3457 days ago

Insider Dealing added to Rob Terry’s Rap Sheet – Canaccord quits Quindell: Terry going to prison, Quindell to 0p

Rob Terry you are a liar, a fraudster and now I also accuse you of insider dealing. I shall not rest until you go to prison you low life vermin criminal. For today we discovered that you and your FD Laurence Moorse and NED Steve Scott sold vast numbers of Quindell shares while withholding price sensitive information – that Canaccord, your joint broker and sponsor of your failed main market listing application had quit.

The rats at Canaccord told Quindell they were quitting on 21st October giving one month’s notice. Quindell has today brought forward that departure date to immediately. Or rather I suspect Canaccord has done its maths and demanded to go at once.


3460 days ago

Our Readers Reckon Rob Terry’s Quindell margin call was 69p (and they are right) so what did Rob do?

Quindell (QPP) has yet to fess up as to what price Rob Terry, Larry Moorse and Steve Scott face margin calls on their Equities First Holdings LLC “loans”. But having reflected upon the matter I agree with our readers who overwhelmingly reckon it is 69p on which basis Mr 2+2 has already faced an unwelcome phone call from the hoods in Indianapolis.

We asked our readers to say what they reckon the margin call on the deal was struck at and you voted:


3468 days ago

Rob Terry invests not a cent to buy a million Quindell shares – what bollocks

Quindell (QPP) bulls have today celebrated the news that chief fraudster Robert Terry and sidekicks Laurence Moorse and Steve Scott have bought 1.575 million Quenron shares at c123p. However they rather miss the point that the trio have not actually risked a cent of their own cash. This is the latest smokescreen and is such a curious transaction it only makes the sell case even stronger. Within the stock puffed up to 133p on the back of this nonsense it is another chance for the bears. 

The deal Terry (who is buying 1 million shares) has arranged is that the cash for the trade is provided by Equities First Holdings LLC,
